Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hole-y Days are here again

When you live in New York City you expect things to be big and fast. Problems are always big, solutions are only sometimes fast. So when they called me and told me that the street had collapsed in front of the building next door, first I said "Again?" Because three years ago we had to have the city put on notice that we were going to file a lawsuit if they didn't fix the drooping pavement (that time it was across the street).

Anyway, I got home and saw this:

The electricity was on at least, that was a good thing. The water was off, but there had been assurances made that it would be back on by midnight. The same kind of assurances that are made by baseball team managers every Spring regarding the prospects for the coming year.
We all shrug at these things. If it happens, it happens. That should be the motto of this city.
So about ten thirty when the hot water heater started making odd chugging sounds and I could get water(with a lot of air) out of the kitchen faucet, I was not surprised, just relieved. Then the water stopped running.
I just went to bed.
And here's what it looked like in the morning:

What a city.

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