Saturday, December 03, 2005

The third lap around the rink was about enough. He had worn his short jacket and a Red Sox baseball cap and he was freezing to death, but he was freezing to death for love. Love was just ahead of him on the ice in a long red coat worn over a tight white sweater and a short black skirt. God, she was dazzling. And she was having the time of her life or so it seemed.

"Hey Juliet" He said it the right way, jue-li-et, not jewel-yet. "Let's go get some hot chocolate." "We just got here, silly." She said that in the right way too. She wasn't whining, she was still having fun.
"I'm a idiot. I didn't wear enough clothes. I'm freezing."
"Well, why didn't you say so?" She whipped off the red coat and wrapped it around his shoulders and spun off in a tight circle. "You look like a guard at the Russian embassy." She skated backwards wiggling her fingers at him. C'mere, c'mere, c'mere.

He skated after her, not making much speed at first since his arms were busy holding onto the coat, but he kept trying. She laughed and danced and spun little spins just out of reach. He finally figured out that if he held his hands behind his back, he could hold on the the coat and skate like a racer. He got up to speed and zoomed past her then took off the coat and held it out, a matador in the middle of a sunburned ring. She charged and when she ducked to gore the coat he caught her up in his arms and planted a very good kiss on her.

That was the beginning of the next lap.

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