Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ms Meirs on the Shining Hill

What stuns me is that the right looks at this rock-ribbed, re-born in the blood, evangelical Christian woman and wonders if she is conservative enough!
Besides becoming a rubber stamp for the right to life crowd, (it would interesting to know what part Ms. Miers played in the Terri Schiavo affair), what exactly would the right accept as a proper candidate?


Senator Blah Blah..."So please tell the Committee where in the Bible you find that God the Father is kind and loving and clear up the matter about killing all the men and boys in a conquered city, if you would."

Ms. Miers: "I'd be happy to Senator. The Senator should remember or be advised that unlike civil laws, the kinds they make in buildings such as these, God's Laws are elastic, plastic, stretchable and as discardable as an old pair of panty hose. Take that one you mentioned about the conquered city, now most would see that in conflict with the Commandment 'Thou shalt not kill.' but not a real Christian. A real Christian can stretch that 'not kill' to Kansas and back and find a dozen ways to kill that are okay and sometimes more than okay. Sometimes to kill can be holy."

Senator "er"

Miers: "And don't worry your pretty head about God being nice. We just make that up. We know God is a horrible, powerful thing who is able to snuff us out like a bug, but that's depressing, so we just talk about God's love for us as if it's real. And it is. It's as real as He is."

Senator: "How real is that?"

Miers: "Beats the hell of me. I just joined the evangelicals because they have better music than the Catholics and in Texas, really, the only people who are Catholics are Mexicans anyway, so I made the move and I just love the big choir. But you were asking about picking and choosing which of God's laws we follow. We just do what's right, we don't meddle with that slavery stuff anymore, just like all those silly dietary rules, but we do stick by our guns, literally, I guess, ha ha, when it comes to gays. That's just icky and we won't put up with it. Oh, and I know Christian are supposed to sell all and follow Christ, but who's kidding who about that. Give me a preacher in a two thousand dollar suit, beads of sweat on his brow, choir pumping up the bass line in the background while he tears up about the Blood and being born in it. That's about as real as it gets, right?"

Joe(The Committee thanks the nominee for appearing...)Nation

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