Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sometimes If You Run Too Fast

A nine mile ramble

SOMETIMES if you run too fast you will miss many many things that are all around you.
Hanna took down this tree, but it provided in it's last day on earth, a photographic bonanza for hundreds of folks. I passed this downed tree at least three tines and each time there was a family or a group of friends having their pictures taken in the frame of the tree.

Further on the cops and the fire department were on the scene of a stupid accident.
One idiot (got a dollar was on a cell or had the music up so LOUD he couldn't think straight) ruins a perfect Sunday for someone.

Trotted along the path for awhile and then got just the right postcard shot under the George Washington Bridge.

Really a beautiful day

There were whole families doing multiple fire barbeques. There were shirtless guys, off their bicycles, enjoying the sun and the breeze. There were thousands out in this perfect September Sunday air.

I ran about nine miles in about two hours. I did a lot of stopping. I did a lot of looking and liking, what a great city this is.

Joe (can such air be bottled?)Nation

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