Monday, March 05, 2007

Winter returns or it's the March Lion or Something

WELL, tain't Spring anymore. When I got up yesterday morning at 6AM, I glance at the temperature (actually, it's the first thing that comes up on my home pages) 46F. Great. I said, not cold at all. I was planning a 5 mile loop before starting work at 11:30.I puttered. I paid some bills. I balanced the AMEX account (God-damned, that's a lot of Starbucks!!) About 8:30, (figuring it would take 30 minutes to get to the park, some time to stretch, about an hour to run and another 30 minutes to ride the train to the gym which is practically next door to work, that would get me to Starbucks! -damn them!- about eleven) I put on some shorts and a long sleeved t-shirts, got my light running jacket and then re-checked the temperature.
What the ??
Apparently, I later learned, we here in beautiful New York City had been visited by a "fast moving wedge of Canadian air", I'd rather have been visited by a fast moving wedge of Canadian cheese, but no. So, I got my thick sweatshirt and my gloves and I headed out. The winds were steady at brutal to not so bad and overhead the gray mass of clouds moved like some huge herd of mythic animals. 5.25 in 56:29.
Last week's total was 17.2 slightly more than I had planned, but with the 15K coming up this weekend (rain predicted) it might be a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'mon, you can do it. Fingers to keyboard; mind to thought; walk, don't run to the nearest computer and put your thoughts down again. Look out for that low-hanging branch! Feet splash in the puddle at the side of the jogging path. A cloud goes overhead, making a sighing noise that you haven't written anything for so long.