Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The prey of the man in the white cotton dress.

He was wearing a dirty cotton dress and white socks. Tall, black and completely crazy, he paced the subway platform from the stairway to the track edge and back again. On his tenth or
eleventh circuit he stopped on the stairs and bent down to adjust the sock on his right foot, then, as if he had just remembered an important appointment, he strode to a nearby bench and searched it's surfaces. Finding nothing, he began to look under the bench, on his hands and knees, giving a view to the onlookers that I'm sure they hadn't expected that morning.

He was hunting, looking carefully with no anxiety, just a resolute determination. His hands floated just above the pavement until, with a suddeness that drew a gasp from the woman standing near me, his left hand stabbed into the dark space and he scutted backwards and stood up. His prey, a cigarette, he held out before him in his fingertips.

He rejoiced.


Anonymous said...

fucking beautiful....

LadyPB said...

This chappie must be a cousin of Noddy's friend with the wig made out of cotton balls on strings who hangs at Union Square.

Definitely a brother.

Charles Turner said...

These sketches recall me to the days I lived in NYC, in the late 60s. Beautifully drawn and real. Thanks for starting the blog.