Monday, June 07, 2010

Don't Think about the Distance, Pick a Direction and Go!

The hardest part about getting started or re-started is starting. I can't tell how many mornings I have stood outside my apartment building in my shorts and tee-shirt going through some kind of check list- got water bottle, got on sunscreen, got sunglasses, got on the right hat, got music player/phone/camera, got shorts tied up snugly, got shoes tied juuuuust right and my socks are feeling good inside them.........and .... and nothing.


I just stand there.

The morning crow passes overhead.

The committee in my brain is trying to figure how far I should run. There is some disagreement, some resentfulness for even having to be out here and some doubt keeps creeping in to take it's place kneeling right next to depression.

The morning crow passes over. Didn't you think that crows said "Caw"?

They don't. They say "Go!"

So I go.

When I get done I look at the distance run.

When I get finished I get ready to start again.

Copyright 2010 Jonathan (Joe Nation)Jeffries


Rick OzTown said...

'Swatchu get when you allow your life to be directed by random crows flying overhead in the morning.

See, the scientific attitude would be to analyze what came before and decide on some increase in length or breadth of run-space covered in one day's effort. Or to duplicate what you'd already done, but do it in different space if you didn't feel like being challenged.

But running until you get back home and starting in a direction stated by the voice of a crow, randomly flying overhead, while you're facing some random direction when the starting "GO" is pronounced so suddenly by that Stygian bird of old...?

What allows you to be SATISFIED by that element of randomness? What stops you from assertion of your own will into it all? What lets you have freedom?


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